Five Basics:

Name: Bethan
Age: 22
Location: Wells, Somerset. (Formerly of Neath, South Wales)
Appearance: 5 ft 3, short and stubby, blonde hair with ridiculous roots, blue eyes, pulls stupid faces a lot. On the surface looks very easy going, light-hearted and sweet.
Personality: is usually left best described by others. Personally, I'm a very bitter and angry little individual. I sit and stew in grudges, and I never forget anything. But occasionally I stop hating everything and have a really good time "'avin' a laff" with mates. I think I'm hysterically funny and I appreciate puns a lot more than I should. I've never really been sensible with anything, especially money. I am quite possibly the most indecisive person you will ever meet.

Sunday, 22 April 2012


His skin wore black as I wore pale
The easy breathing to exhale.
My arms grew tight the feeling numb
To brief district fantasies overrun

with fear and grief and pain and truth.
A laugh so sweet wrapped in uncouth
mysteries of the blood, terror of the free
I never knew you, like you've always known me.

The rhythm of the rocking became disjointed
as what once was pure became anointed
with death and disease and all the happiness in it
and I alone descend, laughing and will commit

my skin. Clawed back as I wear weary.
Enveloped in breath, in your own mind's theory
My body trapped in an anesthetized bliss
I cannot forgive, you promised me this.


To reach,
relaxed, into the sky
To hold a burden with the stars.
The dust encased in the breast of the universe
That was once us
is us.
That dust molded our stature, demeanor.
That dust painted memories, friends.
That dust is us.
That dust is me.
So to reach,
relaxed, into the sky
is reaching into ourselves
and learning that we, the universe,
are the blood and the body
and the sky.

(To be read aloud at a Poetry Slam)

Shit. It's blank.
White and horizontal, mocking cuts of lines
and more white.
White, line, white line, write, line, right, line I've got you now.
I've written:
my name.
Ink sinking in and shimmering back on freshly christened sheets.
The art of making love with the written word.
You begin.
You find a rhyme
and that's fine
You find a rhyme
just in time
You find a rhyme
lemon and lime, forever mine, cheese and wine, Greenwich mean time, ehfdiwmscklupine
How do people do this for a living?
Dylan Thomas. Yeats. John Donne.
Doctor Suess. Eminem. Billy Shakes.
Oh, they all found it so easy.
They found a secret. They preached and taught
and I, in my three years of Higher Education forgot
to actively write.
Why am I doing this?
How am I doing this?
You look back and fail to recognise the scribbled panic of your rambling thoughts and oh-!
God. Divine, unholy, true and trinity.
Entwined in masking young girl's virginity.
Everyone and their uncle Margaret writes about God. I'll give it a go-
No. Because I don't care. I don't have an outstanding opinion on anything
deity related or not.
I forgot.
I've been sitting on the fence for so long I'm fused to it.
Watching the successful Figures Of Words dance merrily into the distant sunset.


Never assume there's a next time.
Fleeting moments shorten and fade
You look back, mind's eye cloudy
Recalling memories that you made.

Together a smile in a photograph,
becomes one to reminisce.
Not ready to 'let go' yet
So simply promise me this.

Never assume there's a next time
You'll end up with a touch of regret
Though forgiving whispers linger
It's something you'll never forget.

Together the smile in a photograph
is framed and proudly shown.
The memory constant and longing
the fondness has nothing but grown.

I've learned things happen for a reason
Though the reason still escapes me
So never assume there's a next time,
because next time might never be.


To begin with,
You're standing there
holding air
in your mouth for what seems like
an age because you're afraid to say it.
I know.”
She interrupts. You jerk palm into her pale
facade in a righteous attempt to silence
but she endures. Her breath tickles the
life crack lines of your hand and shudder
judder down spines make you audibly huff.
This annoys her.

To begin with,
She's screaming there
cutting the air
with gestures so flamboyant you reach out to
cease the flailing retardation of her limbs
and regurgitation of insults hurled right into
your chest and brain as they fester and grow
and you begin to think she's in the right.
This annoys you.

To begin with,
She's crying there
through her hair
and hands and damp precipitation of emotion
spewing from her face because you told her the truth
and for the first time in forever her ears guiltily
pricked and she listened. Although this is just an
imaginary image you pray to any force stronger than
yourself and her to achieve. But you will never get
on, agree or achieve anything. At all. Ever.
This annoys us.

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